- Walking,
- Shopping,
- Indian Food,
- Cine (Breaking Down...),
- Carrot cake, cheese cake and crumble!
* Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park:
Cam' and I, met Rodolphe... no... he was not a billionaire who bought us all the shoes in Clarks! He was a reindeer... Santa Claus's reindeer!

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names;
They wouldn't let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games."
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names;
They wouldn't let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games."
Then we met Snowman, who was so happy:

The good weather?
The ice-rink?
The two girls?
His friends?
or maybe he is drunk?
Ask him... oups he is dumb... what did you expect with a sunny weather?
If he was a real snowman, he could be dead...
Chocolate pancakes and we met the child who didn't want to grow up... Peter Paaaaaan !
We were his Wendy just for a moment but Tinkerbell was jealous, and permitted us to give him a kiss on his cheek. ^^ (fairy tale)
Rabbits and birds were agreed: nightingales sang, squirels jumped, and fieldmice danced in the leaves.
* Oxford Street:
The windows of the shop are amazing, very sophisticated and impressive.
White is the main color, wood the main material and lights illuminate the street!
White is the main color, wood the main material and lights illuminate the street!
After to have dinner (indian food... and where? Yes Meghna, the best Indian!), we went to Covent Garden meeting up with my friends Amélie, Delphine & Marion to have a drink. They studied to King's College in London, we talked a lot, and compared our life in England! A very nice time with you!
The following day, we visited Hampstead: a wonderful and magic area... you cross the main street with the noise of cars and people and then, you are in a quiet place as if you were in a bubble isolated from the world. Open your eyes, and have a look:
Hampstead and its secrets:
En France, on a "Attention aux cerfs", ici on a "Attention papi & mami sont en balade" |
La rosée du matin tisse sa toile |
Hampstead est tellement beau que ce monsieur en à perdu la tête |
Le Père Noël ne pourrait pas passer par ces cheminées en zig-zag. |
After our walk in Hampstead, we went to cinema and watched Breaking Dawn Part I, hummm.... not a very good film... and... return to Canterbury!
A wonderful week end with my Cam' !
See you soon
Il a l'air bien con cet élan, je l'aime bien =)
RépondreSupprimerCoucou Louise,
RépondreSupprimerIl me semble que tu fais beaucoup de shopping, tu commences à me rendre jalouse!!
Je t'embrasse très fort