8.00am: Wake up! we packed ou stuffs and we left the Hostel to go to the train station.
We slept in the train because some awful snores woke us up during the previous night... and she can't stop! ARGH!
D'où les yeux fatigués, mais toujours avec la bonne humeur!
Anyway, we arrived in Glasgow around 10am and we decided to visit the town center first, and to find something to do. (We knew that there was not a lot of interesting things to see so we were guided by our instinct.)
Our first stop was the Modern Gallery 'Goma' and Karla Black was the main artist exposed in the museum. As you can see on the right picture, she work with plastic and the base of her art is made with different kind of sawdust.... Don't try to understand it's modern art.... but it was funny.
In the front of the museum, it is possible to see the Duke of Wellington statue and his horse with a... coned on its head... so Scottish people have a great sense of humor...
On the left hand side, it is Alasdair's Lanark (1981) is the monster of urban life to which Cromwell is the monster of power and government. When I saw Alasdair's drawing, I made the parallel with the Leviathan. When one of the guide of the gallery saw how interesting I was in this drawing, he explained and shared with me what he knew about Alasdair's Lanark, he showed me different messages that the artist tried to express his point of view concerning war, americans, work and justice... When I said to the guide that this drawing reminds me the Leviathan he said "oh!!! you know the Leviathan?!" and he asked me why and how, so we discussed a few minutes on the question, it was really funny.
Time for lunch! What is this strange pate or... thing?
It is called the Haggis a typical Scottish meal which is in fact sheep's offal, suet, oatmeal and seasonings, usually boiled in the animal's intestine, with mashed potatoes in the middle and turnips on the top. Unfotunately, I don't like neither offals nor turnips but I wanted to taste it and............................................... It was sooooooo GOOD!!! Love It! so if you want an advice, don't be afraid by English food and try everything you can, you could be surprised!
Olympic Games in Glasgow with a beautiful Muse!
It is a cathedral dating before the Scottish Reformation, St Mungo is burried in this Cathedral who was the St Patron of Glasgow. There is a legend linked to St Mungo which is told by this street-lamp assembling different emblems of the legend which is the bird, the bell, the fish and the ring.
"The Fish is a salmon, which is always shown with a ring in it's mouth. The ring was a present from Hydderch Hael, King of Cadzow, to his wife, Queen Languoreth.
The Queen had given
the ring to her lover, who was one of her Knights. The King being
suspicious, took it from him one night while he slept during a hunting party and threw it into the River Clyde. When they all returned home, the King demanded the ring from Queen Languoreth and threatened her with death
if she did not produce it. The Queen asked the Knight to return it
but he, of course, could not. She then confessed to St Mungo what she
had done. He sent one of his monks to fish in the river, instructing
him to bring back the first fish that he caught. When the monk
returned with the fish, St Mungo cut it open and found the ring."
In the gardens of the Cathedral...
This is our last picture of this wonderful trip in Scotland!
Just before spending the night in the coach and be back in Canterbury!

See you later,Love <3
Ma chère Lou,
RépondreSupprimerTon expérience outre-manche se termine et c'est le moment que je choisis pour témoigner...
Je t'ai connue élève. Tu n'avais pas quinze ans et je venais d'arriver dans la région, un peu perdu...
Grâce à toi et à deux ou trois autres élèves, j'ai rapidement trouvé les repères qui me manquaient. Elève volontaire et travailleuse, tu m'as un peu réconcilié avec un métier que je trouvais ingrat. Tu t'es appliquée à faire en sorte que ton travail ne déçoive jamais et lorsque ton comportement subissait quelques flottements, il me suffisait de te regarder pour qu'aussitôt tu retrouves ce calme malicieux et distingué qui te sied si bien.
Sans le savoir tu m'as aidé à mieux aimer ce que je faisais. Tu étais persuadée que j'enseignais les lettres avec passion...J'ai fini par le croire. Merci.
Les années ont passé, nous nous sommes retrouvés. Tu ne m'as jamais oublié puisque tu fus à l'origine de nos retrouvailles. Une amitié est née. Forte et riche. Ton blog témoigne de la richesse de ton parcours et de ta personnalité et nul doute que ton expérience outre-Manche contribuera à faire de toi une citoyenne européenne, humaniste et ouverte sur les autres. Tous mes voeux t'accompagnent et puisse notre si belle amitié prospérer. Merci Lou !
"La muse" davant les 5 annaux, ca ma bcp fait rire !! A quel trip superbe, on ne pouvais pas finir mieux l'année. Ca restera que des bons souvenirs =)
RépondreSupprimerI miss you...