"Allez, on fait les Daltons" dit Rémy |
This week-end Camille met Rémy & Rémy met Camille! Mouhahaha
We arrived at Victoria, and we were waiting for Rémy... Suddenly someone arrived behind me and embraced me.... I screamed and jumped!
Camille and Rémy laughed at me..... Ca commence bien entre ces deux là! Ils me font une farce alors qu'ils ne se connaissent pas!
We went to Hampstead to let our stuffs, and we discussed a little. Rémy offered to Camille the dvd "Les Enfoirés: Le spectacle"!!!
Actually, the anecdote is:
Once upon a time,
Camille and Louise were chatting before eating an Indian meal that they have ordered.
Suddenly, Skype ringing.
- 'Oh Papuche!' said Louise, smiling.
They began to talk, including Camille and she asked:
- 'Ah au fait tu sais quand est-ce-que c'est le spectacle des Enfoirés?'
- 'Oui c'est ce soir, je suis entrain de le regarder!' answered Rémy to Cam.
- 'Oh non vas-y, ch'ui degoutée là, j'le regarde chaque année avec ma mère... Ci-mer quoi!'
- 'Haha sois pas deg' ce sera pour l'an prochain' added Louise....
When Camille opened the small bag that Rémy holded it out to her, she laughed and said: 'Oh mais ca me gèèène franchement, tu me diras combien je te dois!' (Yes, you have to know that Camille doesn't understand the word 'gift' and she is always embarrassed...)
So Rémy said: 'Oh lieu de te plaindre dis merci, et tes sous, j'en veux pas vu que c'est un CADEAU!!!!'
Hahaha it was so funny!
The evening we went to the Holly Bush before to eat........ INDIAN!!!! oh yeahh so excited!
"How are you Miss?!!! it is a pleasure to see you again!"
So, VIP!
Camille: a chicken Korma
Rémy: a chicken Curry
Loù: a chicken Special Meghna
With Nanns and rice (oh yeah!)
Then the owner offered us a bottle of white wine.... Did he want to get us drunk? ^^
It was sooo good and we laughed a lot!
This is the rest of the eggs that we've found during our walk from Covent Garden to St Paul Cathedral. (for the Queen Diamond Jubilee) There are 200 eggs, I've got 22 eggs.... So this exhibition remains until the first week end of April (8th April).
We stayed in Covent Garden the morning, strolling in the market with a wonderful sun. After we ate in Chinatown, because Camille didn't know very well the Chinese food (discovery, discovery...) and then we walked to St Paul Cathedral!
We visited the Cathedral, a beautiful Cathedral. The ceilings are amazing, the ornaments are built in mosaic and we learnt that the height is 365 meters, one meter for a day!
Then we went upstairs (210 stairs, I think) in the Whispering Gallery... as the audio guide explains the diameter of this circle gallery is about 35meters, and when you murmur something to the wall the other person to the other side of the gallery can hear you... We tried... and nothing.... As I said, if I murmur something to Rémy by Skype he can hear me perfectly while 1105 kilometers separate us! Mouhahaha!
Break !
So tired... so we had a rest on bench in front of the Thames: Camille bought some 'Chichi', an airship flew over us, some stupid tourists waved us from their touristic boat, the river police crossed the Thames at top speed....
Then we came back to Covent Garden to find a pub and to enjoy our last evening together... BUT, Saturday night... in Covent Garden.... Pubs? FULL!! our question was: Why the pubs are so small in Covent Garden? Finally.... we found one!
A very good week-end
We went to bed very early
Sweet dreams
Sunday: Back to Victoria! Bouh'
See you soon,