What else?
On Saturday, we decided to go to Trafalgar Square, because Rémy didn't know this famous place and I wanted to present him our friends Nelson who is holding court among London.
Between Lions, a cavalryman seems to launch an attack on Big Ben or maybe, protects it against Napoleon? hummm no it is not possible because Big Ben didn't exist yet. It was built between 1843 and 1859, while the Trafalgar Battle took place in 1805.... HA!
Trafalgar Square was a battlefield, and I think that is why, we can find the count down of the Olympic Games which will oppose all the nations in London.
Of course, all the tourists have this picture! But that's funny, because I've another one which show 271 days before the beginning of the Games.


We went to the National Gallery, and looked at the paintings from 18th century to 20th century, with painters such as Turner, Monet, Van Gogh... Even if the most famous paintings are not exhibited here. However, I reestablished some knowledge on Turner's Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway, explaining to Rémy what means that painting and showing him the hare in front of the train...
After the effort, relaxation!!!
We walked to Chinatown, and we ate in a restaurant. TOURISTS! Mouhahaha
From Chinatown, we decided to go to visit St Paul Cathedral, because we really needed to walk after the Chinese, too full! Unfortunately, St Paul was closed because we arrived after 4pm (4:05pm exactly.... too bad) but next month we will go inside.
I showed the City to Rémy with these big buildings... Having a foretaste of New-York ^^
But he prefered that ......
...a man polishes his shoes!
During our long walk, we discovered that it was
Easter Time in London!
These eggs were designed to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
We just found two eggs (the middle one is just a decoration) but 200 giant-sized eggs will be placed in secret locations around Central London. Each eggs has its own code, that we have to scan (with your smartphone) trying to win the Diamond Jubilee Egg. Good Luck! xD
It's already 6pm.... snif... so go back to Hampstead. We went to the pub a last time before the next one.... hihi.
Next week-end I will return to London and I'll meet my dear Cydny! So.... stay with me!
See you soon!
Merci pour tes commentaires, je viens de mettre les précisions sur les oeufs à l'instant du coup :p
RépondreSupprimerEt je les trouve super jolis les tiens aussi :O ( A nous deux on en a moins de 15... faut le vouloir pour avoir les 200 XD )
Bisous bisous, et même si je laisse pas tout le temps des commentaires, je suis régulièrement tes aventures ;)
Hihi merci ... C'est la meme pour moi =)
j'aime beaucoup tes photos.j'espère que lorsque ns serons in Town we"ll find those eggs.