A new adventure in Oxford and Cambridge [18th and 19th February]
Bip.. bip...bip... bip...
Camille sent me a message to wake me up if I wasn't.
I sent a message to Jochen to wake him up!
Perfect, everybody is woke up.
I sent a message to Jochen to wake him up!
Perfect, everybody is woke up.
Cab at 5.20am
Coach at 5.40am
Canterbury to London Victoria
London Victoria to Oxford
So we try to sleep, [it was not a problem for me]
1) We decide to find the hostel to be confident and to appreciate our trip without thinking 'Where is this bloody hostel?!!' at 11pm.
This is our wonderful hostel. My first reaction "Oh, Oh, what is that hostel...A little bit afraid to discover what we will find inside..." Finally it was a nice experience, we slept with 7 other persons... It was very funny ^^
This is our wonderful hostel. My first reaction "Oh, Oh, what is that hostel...A little bit afraid to discover what we will find inside..." Finally it was a nice experience, we slept with 7 other persons... It was very funny ^^

The University of Oxford is divided in different Colleges in which students live and have class. Each college represent different school: school of English, school of History, school of Economics... And students can have class in different schools depending on the options they choose. They get around town with their bike!!!! So, when you are a tourist, you have to be careful to cars and.... bikes, and DO NOT cross the road even if there's nobody because a bike can appear suddenly from nowhere... hein, Camille??!
3) Trinity College just a picture to give you an idea.
4) The Carfax Tower: we can see all the town a wonderful panorama.
Brrrrrrrrrrr.... so cold at the top! just before go upstairs we have to take a wonderful spiral staircase, very narrow "Faut pas être trop groooos!" comme dirait Obélix.
Brrrrrrrrrrr.... so cold at the top! just before go upstairs we have to take a wonderful spiral staircase, very narrow "Faut pas être trop groooos!" comme dirait Obélix.
5) We arrive to the majestuosity of Oxford: Christ Church.
It is one of the main College of Oxford in which tourists are authorized to visit it but with respect and as quiet as possible because staff and students work. Christ Chruch is very famous for its Staircase very familiar to visitors: if I say wizard, magic wand, friends... You answer... Harry Potter! Good! Yes the Staircase is a famous location in Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone. Professor McGonagall welcomed Harry to Hogwarts for the first time at the top of the stairs.
The Staircase |
Another famous location, but which one?
So? The comparison? There are 3 tables in my picture but 4 in Harry Potter, the window is bigger than in the real one, the ceiling doesn't exist in H.P.... It's magic to be in this dining room! =)
Christ Church Cathedral:
So what do you think? Amazing isn't it?
I really love it.
Vive les vélos,l'inspiration de la salle à manger de poudlard, la magnifique cathédrale et l'étrange hôtel!!!! :D
RépondreSupprimerBref vive Oxford!!!!!
Love and hugs <3
Exx. (et oui moi aussi j'y suis allée huhu)
Ha, un nouvelle article, quelle surprise !!! Oui c'était un weekend vraiment agréable, malgré le froid. Et avoir vu où est tourné une partie d'Harry Potter, c'est vraiment la classe ^^ En tout cas, bon souvenirs ...
RépondreSupprimercam !
Hey petit poisson,
RépondreSupprimerje pensais que t'avais abandonné ton petit blog
super article j'ai à peu près tout compris (Ferais-je des progrès en anglais? hihi)
Cette ville a l'air magnifique et les universités grandioses, un peu dangereux avec ces gangs de vélos loool dommage que tu n'es pas pu prendre une photo avec Harry Potter x)
Gros bisous de la grandiose fac des lettres de mtp youpiiiii <3
Louise my dear!
RépondreSupprimer"I sent a message to Jochen to wake him up! "
...It was the other way around :-)
Bisous, Jochen
Oh YES ! That's truuue ^^
SupprimerSorry haha