English weather is back...
After 8 months in England I've never had a weather like that!
We are on Wednesday, day that I'm usually going for a jog in the morning with Camille...
So I stay at home with my second reading of To The Lighthouse (yes because it is time for revisions),
I guess that you will say 'Weather in To The Lighthouse is quite similar to the weather you have today' and that's true, because a few pages after the beginning a thundery shower storms on the lighthouse.
Mrs Ramsay comforts her children and in particular, the little James.
My Mum is not with me, so I will hug my Bobby and my N'hérisson. hihi. And so what?! It is not because I am 21 since yesterday, that I can't have my cuddly toys! Nah'
Or maybe as my Aunt Magali would say: 'Ce sont les giboulets de Mars' (but in April so they are late) OU 'Ce sont les Saints de Glace!' (but they arive early! Because the first periode is around11th May) but in the South of France we also have Les Cavaliers which correspond exactly to this period.
'Dans le Midi de la France, on invoque les Saints Cavaliers ou Saints Chevaliers : saint Georges (23 avril), saint Marc (25 avril), saint Eutrope (30 avril), saint Philippe ou fête de la Sainte Croix (3 mai) et saint Jean Porte Latine (6 mai). Leurs noms ont des diminutifs en langue d'Oc : Jorget, Marquet, Tropet, Philippet, Crozet et Joanet.
Le dicton « Marquet, Georget et Philippet sont trois casseurs de
gobelets » signifie que la grêle ces jours–là est néfaste pour la vigne,
donc aux gobelets de vin.' (Wikipédia)
I don't know if this Saint also applies in England, but let me say that it's very strange.... Anyway, now you know a legend from my region (I'm pretty sure that some of my friends in Montpellier didn't know this story hihi)
See you soon and open your umbrella,
Love <3
merci pour ce petit moment culturel enfin le mystère des saints est dévoilé!
RépondreSupprimerta quiche avait belle allure quoique tu en dises et mamina est là pour confirmer.
huggs and kisses
Je connaissais ! :D :p
RépondreSupprimerC'est vrai que le temps était affreux, ça va mieux en ce moment, enfin, surtout aujourd'hui il a fait soleil à Reading alors cool !! ;)
( quand je dis ça va mieux = il ne pleut pas tous les jours... par contre le ciel est toujours gris gris gris :( )
Beezoux !!