A Rock Band in Deal! ♫
or maybe the Converse Band.... haha
The next morning we have had our chocolate bunnies [Martin moaned because he said that he didn't have his bunny and he threatened Elé and I to eat our chocolates! Because Martin is very greedy!!!]
Then we had a walk on the sea side with a windy and rainy weather... The real English weather!
The sea was grey with huge waves and sailing boats overturned...
The sea was grey with huge waves and sailing boats overturned...
The afternoon, we stayed at home in the basement under the duvet watching Sweeney Todd, so tired!!!
The evening Daniel's and Martin's friends came to eat the Easter Dinner with us. Very nice people!
On the table there were some daffodils, chicks, and small chocolate eggs!
For dinner, Martin and Daniel prepared lamb with gratin dauphinois, green beans and carrots. It was so gooood. Then we ate wonderful french cheeses with bread made by Daniel... Yummy! The dessert was a pavlova (← click) or ' a pavlova in a mess' according to Martin. ^^ but a very good taste.
There was a wonderful sense of humor around this table with a reflection on the light above the table "where is the spot???!" then, a game with daffodils and chicks, or the redwine and salt and white wine (thanks Tim hihi) or Will and Henry trying to speak french (very good french indeed!!! so impressed)
A very nice evening!
We arrived in London around 3pm and we had not ate yet so we went to Wagamama in Hampstead!
Then the first day we made some shopping or I mean, all the afternoon! Thanks Dad to be so brave with your girls!
Tuesday was more interesting or... disgusting... haha
We went to Tate Modern to watch Damien Hirst exhibition but before we visited the Shakespear Globe! A wonderful theater, full of history!
A little bit disappointed to see it in restoration! But it is a good reason to visit it again or to book a play ! ooh yeah!
One hour later, we were in Damien Hirst's exhibition... HUM!!! don't you know him??
According to Mum: HIRST ---> SHIT she made a kind of anagram.
According to Dad: DAMIEN --> DEVIL
You seem to be puzzled by these associations. If I say you a head of cow with flies, or formalin, or buts... You don't understand, do you? Visit his website... CREEPY!
It is the only picture that I have, from the exhibition showing Mum's disappointment: she looks embittered!
It was very funny haha
After this fantastic exhibition we ate in a pub near to St Paul Cathedral. Elé ate a double burger with french fries and Papou, Mum and I ate a 'traditional' pie, but it was more like hachi parmentier xD
The afternoon we went to Bricklane together to make some shopping but Dad decided to go to the National Gallery.
And then we met in the Holy Bush before going to Meghna!
C'est mon Papou à moiii !
Next time I will give you some hugs, it will be in June!
So much fun this long week end with Daniel, Martin, Mummy, Dad and Elo. And a new nickname for Mum 'La Perchée' because she was always completely mistaken all the week end, she was cool and de-stressed, and she didn't want to go back to France (me neither, I wanted to keep them with me!) we laughed a lot.
Pendant tout le week-end un petit être était aussi présent... SUSHI!!!! Donc on a pensé à lui aussi ^^ Elé et Maman 'Ooooh le pauvre! Il doit pleurer! et il va nous bouder quand on va revenir' et Papa qui répond 'Il a du s'exciter contre la fenêtre... s'agit qu'on le retrouve pas coupé en deux!'
Tous en coeur: 'Roooooooo le pauuuuuuuuuvre!'
Mes amis, non ce n'est pas notre frère caché, c'est juste.... notre chat!
Tous en coeur: 'Roooooooo le pauuuuuuuuuvre!'
Mes amis, non ce n'est pas notre frère caché, c'est juste.... notre chat!
See you later ,
Love <3
Je viens de finir de lire ton article et je suis juste morte de rire surtout quand tu parles de sushi! :D En tout cas ces 4 jours étaient vraiment géniaux, supers, mégas etc... Bon on s'est bien retrouvées vu qu'on a eu quelques petites minis disputes (okay shame on me...) Mais en tout cas j'étais vraiment très contente de te voir ben évidemment t'es ma petite grande soeur! huhu ;D
RépondreSupprimerEt oui vraiment merci Papou de ta patience, d'avoir attendu 1/2 heure pendant qu'on essayait des fringues que tu qualifies de moches et qu'on trouve les mêmes à Monoprix!!!!! haha
De toutes façons on se revoit bientôt puisqu'on va gagner au loto (hum... mais bien sûr dans mes rêves... ^^) non mais juin c'est dans 2 mois ça va passer vite tu verras!!!!!
Bon allez ma petite soeur je te fais pleins de kiss and hugs!!!! <3<3
Love Love Love!!!!!!!!!!!