mercredi 25 avril 2012

25th April "It's raining cats and dogs."

English weather is back...

After 8 months in England I've never had a weather like that! 
We are on Wednesday, day that I'm usually going for a jog in the morning with Camille...
So I stay at home with my second reading of To The Lighthouse (yes because it is time for revisions),
I guess that you will say 'Weather in To The Lighthouse is quite similar to the weather you have today' and that's true, because a few pages after the beginning a thundery shower storms on the lighthouse. 
Mrs Ramsay comforts her children and in particular, the little James.
My Mum is not with me, so I will hug my Bobby and my N'hérisson. hihi. And so what?! It is not because I am 21 since yesterday, that I can't have my cuddly toys! Nah'

Or maybe as my Aunt Magali would say: 'Ce sont les giboulets de Mars' (but in April so they are late) OU  'Ce sont les Saints de Glace!' (but they arive early! Because the first periode is around11th May) but in the South of France we also have Les Cavaliers which correspond exactly to this period.
'Dans le Midi de la France, on invoque les Saints Cavaliers ou Saints Chevaliers : saint Georges (23 avril), saint Marc (25 avril), saint Eutrope (30 avril), saint Philippe ou fête de la Sainte Croix (3 mai) et saint Jean Porte Latine (6 mai). Leurs noms ont des diminutifs en langue d'Oc  : Jorget, Marquet, Tropet, Philippet, Crozet et Joanet. Le dicton « Marquet, Georget et Philippet sont trois casseurs de gobelets » signifie que la grêle ces jours–là est néfaste pour la vigne, donc aux gobelets de vin.'  (Wikipédia)

I don't know if this Saint also applies in England, but let me say that it's very strange.... Anyway, now you know a legend from my region (I'm pretty sure that some of my friends in Montpellier didn't know this story hihi)

See you soon and open your umbrella,

Love <3

lundi 23 avril 2012

First Quiche in England!

8 months after my arrival I found Puffed Pastry!
I finally find in M&S puffed pastry to make quiche that I missed a lot!
Nice, isn't it?

However it tastes the butter a lot, so maybe it is the wrong one for the quiche
I will try another one, next time! 
Except butter my quiche was delicious!!!! 
It is too bad for you Camille, you should stay with me for lunch haha 

Anyway, I have another half of the preparation so... we can make another quiche or an apple pie!!!

See you later!

Love <3

London's Love April Episode!

* Friday:
What a mess! I was waiting for the coach of 1.50pm, I showed my ticket to the bus driver and took a seat in it. 5minutes before leaving Canterbury, I had a flash.... I forgot my keys... You know the keys to open the flat in Hampstead... I left the bus in a hurry explaining to the bus driver the reasons who said me 'Oh what a shame!' Really???! Argh... I had to book another ticket 1 hour later... 15£ (the single...hmmm niiice grrr) We are in holidays in Canterbury and there are Unibuses every 30min, which means that I had not enough time to back to my room in darwin, and back to the bus station in one hour to get my coach. So.... the solution was the cab... 14£ to go and return... and the driver was a little bit weird, you know the kind of man who believes to know everything telling me his conception of France and people who leave in Deal and in big town, I just wanted to say 'Shut up and drive your cab!!!' but my parents well brought up me... so I just answer by Yes or No...
Finally I arrived in London Victoria 30 minutes after Rémy. 

On Friday night we just went to the pub the White Bear in a first time, but I was really disappointed because it wasn't the pub that I've known 2 or 3 years ago with Mum Dad Elé Daniel & Martin, where we met 2 mates one blind and drunk, and the other blind because he was drunk! It was really funny. 
At that time it is a kind of bar lounge (or wine bar, I don't really know) with the Bobo of Hampstead, it stinks of money and people are not really kind (not the waitress, the clients) A tall and fat man with his Eva Joly's glasses just said 'No this is my umbrella' with a dark look as if this umbrella was a gold ingot while we have taken Daniel's umbrella who was very similar, that's why we just mixed it up. Pfff! 
We asked the bill and went back to our favourite pub the Holly Bush, where some of waiter seem to recognize us! And then we ate at Meghna, where my friend was waiting for us with his bottle of wine! haha

* Saturday:
In the morning we just have a walk in Hampstead after a grasse mat' (because Rémy was tired) and a big breakfast from Gail's. 
At 1pm, we began to walk to our lunch which is in Hanbury Street. A Fish and Chips... because Rémy wanted another one for a long time ago, so we went to Poppies (I think that Daniel and Martin have already mentionned it)

It is a really nice place where we can find a jukebox, the waitress wear 60's clothes (really funny) and If you take away your fish and chips, it serves in a cone looking like newspaper and not in this sort of horrible plastic box...

Rémy and his large Fish and Chips
I had a regular one ^^
 This is the best junk food ever!
McDonalds can go back where he came from!
The Cod is daily fresh and the chips are home-made!!! we also ate the mashed green beans very gooood! Rémy ordered a limonade, I had never drank a limonade like that very fresh and tasty with a little bit of ginger! Waouh!  

 A little bit of Magic

 After this fabulous Fish and Chips we walked to King's Cross St Pancras to find the most famous platform in the world... The Platform 9 3/4, which is not between the Platform 9 and 10 unfortunately, because in England you have to take your ticket to have access to the platforms. So it's a trolley lost in a wall next to the ticket office... But very funny.
I tried to find the name of Poudlard Express on the timetable board, but no sign of this train... I guess that I missed it... It will be for the next time.

Then we enjoyed the sun (which broke through the clouds for 30min, after... the rain came back ^^)
Rémy tried to attract a pigeon to open the umbrella on it! knowing that there is a little button which permit to open the umbrella in a snap... Could you imagine the impact on the pigeon? Rrrrouououououuuuuuuuuuuuu (a remake of Angry Birds [c'est en Chinois mais c'est pas grave pour commencer une partie cliquez juste sur le gros oiseau du début, un tableau avec des numéros s'ouvre cliquez 1 et jouez... Elé, je te charge de montrer aux parents comment ca marche ^^] in the real life...) Oooohhhh the Brigitte Bardoooos, calm down, don't worry we didn't touch this pigeon! Because we didn't know how English people could react...

The evening we went to the Maze Grill, Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in Grosvernor Square!


Our Menu:

* Starters
Crayfish and shrimp cocktail with avocado
Steak tartare with quail's egg and toast
 *Main Course
Casterbridge grain fed, aged 21 days
Sirloin 10oz with a half Garlic and Thick Chips

* Dessert
Chocolate brownie, salt caramel ice cream

A really nice evening for my birthday in advance =)
Thank you <3

 * Sunday:
It is time for us to say good bye and see you in a month... It will be the last time in London for us.

See you soon

Love <3

samedi 14 avril 2012

Cathedral of Canterbury

We are in April and I finally visited the Cathedral !!!

The Cathedral was built in 597 by St Augustin who came in Kent to convert English to Christianism (oh I remember something about my Anglo-Saxon coursework... Amazing!!!) 
I suppose that you wonder about this mysterious flag.... I don't really have informations about it except that in Greek the letter I and X mean J and C, the initial of Jesus Christ... If someone have more information, let me know...

Then I went inside, it was splendid! I didn't think that it was so big!
I was lucky to hear the choir of Canterbury, but unfortunately, visitors couldn't watch them, and a part of the cathedral was partly closed so I stayed more than 20min inside, only to hear them, I don't know why, but I was transported.

So... just listen! and tell me, what you think about it.

This is the nave of the Cathedral that I visited after the choir time. When listened the choir , I can also listen the organ without seeing it. So I asked to a guide who showed me that the organ was on a kind of balcony or gallery. A little bit disappointed that the organ is not more put in evidence.

The cathedral welcomes different isolated chapels in which people can pray.

Outside, the cathedral erects between gardens and ruins. This afternoon, the sun illuminated the Cathedral, it was beautiful outside and inside!

 I finished my visit with the cloister and its wonderful vaults.

I leave you with the bells of the Cathedral. Enjoy!

See you soon,

Love <3

vendredi 13 avril 2012

A walk in Canterbury


                                                                  Cloudy and sunny 
                                                                  Tree: a very big one
                                                                  Easter holidays
                                                                  Reading on a bench
                                                                  Blossoms in April, spring is coming
                                                                  Utopian: the weather in England
                                                                  River is called the Strout
awls on the river.


See you later,

Love <3

Easter Holidays in Deal and London

♫ A Rock Band in Deal! ♫
or maybe the Converse Band.... haha

Mum', Dad and Elé came in England for Easter! We met in Deal where Daniel and Martin were waiting for us. I arrived in Deal at the end of afternoon and the rest of the Band arrived around 00.30am [They kept us waiting... like real stars...]

The next morning we have had our chocolate bunnies [Martin moaned because he said that he didn't have his bunny and he threatened Elé and I to eat our chocolates! Because Martin is very greedy!!!]

Then we had a walk on the sea side with a windy and rainy weather... The real English weather!
The sea was grey with huge waves and sailing boats overturned...

The afternoon, we stayed at home in the basement under the duvet watching Sweeney Todd, so tired!!!


The evening Daniel's and Martin's friends came to eat the Easter Dinner with us. Very nice people!
On the table there were some daffodils, chicks, and small chocolate eggs!
For dinner, Martin and Daniel prepared lamb with gratin dauphinois, green beans and carrots. It was so gooood. Then we ate wonderful french cheeses with bread made by Daniel... Yummy! The dessert was a pavlova (← click) or ' a pavlova in a mess' according to Martin. ^^ but a very good taste.

There was a wonderful sense of humor around this table with a reflection on the light above the table "where is the spot???!" then, a game with daffodils and chicks, or the redwine and salt and white wine (thanks Tim hihi) or Will and Henry trying to speak french (very good french indeed!!! so impressed)

A very nice evening!


We arrived in London around 3pm and we had not ate yet so we went to Wagamama in Hampstead!
Then the first day we made some shopping or I mean, all the afternoon! Thanks Dad to be so brave with your girls! 

Tuesday was more interesting or... disgusting... haha 
We went to Tate Modern to watch Damien Hirst exhibition but before we visited the Shakespear Globe! A wonderful theater, full of history! 

A little bit disappointed to see it in restoration! But it is a good reason to visit it again or to book a play ! ooh yeah!
One hour later, we were in Damien Hirst's exhibition... HUM!!! don't you know him??


According to Mum: HIRST ---> SHIT   she made a kind of anagram.
According to Dad: DAMIEN --> DEVIL   

You seem to be puzzled by these associations. If I say you a head of cow with flies, or formalin, or buts... You don't understand, do you? Visit his website... CREEPY!

It is the only picture that I have, from the exhibition showing Mum's disappointment: she looks embittered!
It was very funny haha
After this fantastic exhibition we ate in a pub near to St Paul Cathedral. Elé ate a double burger with french fries and Papou, Mum and I ate a 'traditional' pie, but it was more like hachi parmentier xD

The afternoon we went to Bricklane together to make some shopping but Dad decided to go to the National Gallery.

And then we met in the Holy Bush before going to Meghna!

C'est mon Papou à moiii ! 

Next time I will give you some hugs, it will be in June!

So much fun this long week end with Daniel, Martin, Mummy, Dad and Elo. And a new nickname for Mum 'La Perchée' because she was always completely mistaken all the week end, she was cool and de-stressed, and she didn't want to go back to France (me neither, I wanted to keep them with me!) we laughed a lot.

Pendant tout le week-end un petit être était aussi présent... SUSHI!!!! Donc on a pensé à lui aussi ^^ Elé et Maman 'Ooooh le pauvre! Il doit pleurer! et il va nous bouder quand on va revenir' et Papa qui répond 'Il a du s'exciter contre la fenêtre... s'agit qu'on le retrouve pas coupé en deux!'
Tous en coeur: 'Roooooooo le pauuuuuuuuuvre!'
Mes amis, non ce n'est pas notre frère caché, c'est juste.... notre chat!

See you later , 

Love <3