vendredi 16 décembre 2011

* * * * =)

16th December:

Last Hours in Canterbury, and the Sky brings us his Christmas present in advance...


mercredi 30 novembre 2011

Excursion Fantastique

"Parce qu'on a dansé la Macaréna devant la devanture de E.A.T en plein milieu de Canterbury!"

[Les serveurs nettoyaient avec la Macaréna en musique de fond...]

{And the winners are Camille, Giorgos & Moi même}

Et nous voilà entrain de rire comme des baleines!
Nos fous rires, nous tueront un jour...


samedi 26 novembre 2011

A Wonderful Surprise!

* Saturday 26th September, 1:40pm

I decided to check my parcels and letters to Darwin's reception, and I saw my name on the list!

Who sent me a package?

JULIE, my Best Friend.

My first reaction: I laughed a lot, because M&M's and the Saucisson are our philosophy! And your postcard was so cuuuute... Thank you so muuuuch my dear!

I was so happy and I wanted to share this present with all of you.
I will never forget this magic moment!

I love you & I miss you, I'm longing to see you again and to have a pyjama night with M&M's, Saucisson, Romantic movies, Gossip, and Laughs! <3

P.S: Je te réponds très vite, et je compte bien t'appeler sur Skype aussi ça fait trop longtemps à mon goût.

lundi 21 novembre 2011

Girly London

A wonderful week end 100% girl!
            - Walking,
            - Shopping,
            - Indian Food,
            - Cine (Breaking Down...),
            - Carrot cake, cheese cake and crumble!

* Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park:

Cam' and I, met Rodolphe... no... he was not a billionaire who bought us all the shoes in Clarks! He was a reindeer... Santa Claus's reindeer! 

"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names;
They wouldn't let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games."

 Then we met Snowman, who was so happy:

Do you know the reasons of his smile?
The good weather?
The ice-rink?
The two girls?
His friends?
or maybe he is drunk?

Ask him... oups he is dumb... what did you expect with a sunny weather?
If he was a real snowman, he could be dead...

Chocolate pancakes and we met the child who didn't want to grow up... Peter Paaaaaan !

We were his Wendy just for a moment but Tinkerbell was jealous, and permitted us to give him a kiss on his cheek. ^^ (fairy tale)

Rabbits and birds were agreed: nightingales sang, squirels jumped, and fieldmice danced in the leaves.

* Oxford Street:

Christmas Magic!
The windows of the shop are amazing, very sophisticated and impressive.
White is the main color, wood the main material and lights illuminate the street!

After to have dinner (indian food... and where? Yes Meghna, the best Indian!), we went to Covent Garden meeting up with my friends Amélie, Delphine & Marion to have a drink. They studied to King's College in London, we talked a lot, and compared our life in England! A very nice time with you!

* Hampstead:

The following day, we visited Hampstead: a wonderful and magic area... you cross the main street with the noise of cars and people and then, you are in a quiet place as if you were in a bubble isolated from the world. Open your eyes, and have a look:

 Hampstead and its secrets:
En France, on a "Attention aux cerfs", ici on a "Attention papi & mami sont en balade"
La rosée du matin tisse sa toile
Hampstead est tellement beau que ce monsieur en
à perdu la tête

Le Père Noël ne pourrait pas passer par ces
cheminées en zig-zag.

 After our walk in Hampstead, we went to cinema and watched Breaking Dawn Part I, hummm.... not a very good film... and... return to Canterbury!

A wonderful week end with my Cam' !

See you soon



Every Wednesday, she is coming with her cupcakes on campus.

Oréo & Vanilla 
Chocolate & Vanilla

Cupcakes are American and not English (thank you Martin)
But these ones are sooooo cuuute! 
And Hand made in Kent

(have a look on her website)

It's Kentastic!

See you soon,


mercredi 16 novembre 2011

Part II: London (november)

 Here we are! News adventures
* Friday evening:

Pub and we came back to our Indian restaurant "Meghna"; and the waiters recognized us! "Oh are you  French? You already came here, uh?" haha it was very funny!


When you are in London, there are some rules to respect:
1. Open your eyes and Close your ears,
2. Have your camera and Take pictures,
3.Don't be afraid and walk in straight streets.

So Saturday, we walked from Old Street to Brick Lane. At the beginning I indicated the wrong direction to Rémy, so we went off in exactly the opposite direction, I didn't turn on my GPS. ^^
We saw some tags and in particular, squirrels... English looove squirrels! And my Sushi had an appointment with a female, but I think that she didn't come... You know why!
For Mum's great pleasure, we met a monstrous cockroach who dominated a part of the district. 

Then we found Brick Lane! 

Brick Lane is a street in London's Bengali district. The architecture is from the 18th century, the first Bengalis to live in this area were sailors. We can find different shops such as food, spices, and sarees, but also shop specialized in vintage clothes and objects.

* The Food!
Around 1pm, we were hungry... a lot of good smells of food circulated in the sreet and entered in our nostrils: spices, corriander, curry, chinese food, african food, mexican food, spanish food... all countries were represented. After a walk, we discovered a large shed, with different stands where people encouraged you to try their meal and wanted to convince you to buy a container (only £4!!!)

"Try, Try, it is verrrrry goood"
they said, offering a fork with a piece of meat.

Rémy was hesitant because in France, it is not common to call out someone to taste a meal... or maybe, the sunday on the market....

The we took the direction of Camden Town, which is a huge market from Chalk Farm to Camden High Street (I already talked about this market in "London [Exchange Student's Adventure]") with the impressive creation on the front of each building.

We came in
CyberDog (Cliquez sur le nom!) a futurist fashion shop. To describe this place in some words, it is:
- Impressive,
- Dark
- Loud music (very louuuud)
- The salesperson were dressed with wild type clothes, very flashy, with odd accessorizes (just have a look on their web site...)
-You can't take picture..... Grr


It was a kind of mirror with lights... something useless... but funny!


Finally, we walked from Camden to Hampstead, exhausted... so we had a rest at home before going to the Pub: The Holly Bush.

A very nice pub, where we had pints... and where we ate... ("La malbouffe Anglaise déconstruite....NOW! )

 Nothing special in Rémy's meal, except that it is Kentish meat, and very good potatoes.
 I took a beef pie which the "tourte" in French. I think that we can named this meal the shepherd's pie (Martin? do you agree?) with mashed potatoes, and green beans. (uh... I like crunchy beans... but mine... were very crunchy and so, raw.... that was only the negative point ^^ )

[Next time I'll try a baked potatoe, another english speciality]

So we finished our night in the pub.

Sunday morning airport for him, Coach Station for me, after a big breakfast at Gail's!

See you later,


mercredi 9 novembre 2011


Prochains articles:

* Londres avec Rémy Partie II
* The English Cupcakes

Restez bien connectés!

Je vous promets pleins de jolies photos, laissez moi juste le temps de finir mon Essay de Litté......


jeudi 3 novembre 2011


Non ma chambre n'est pas en bazar! 

J'ai fait mes lessives -£2.50/lessive- parceque bon, ben obligé n'est ce pas?
1. pour les draps et torchons
2. pour le blancs
3. pour les autres couleurs.

Pourquoi ma chambre est dans cet état là?

Parceque je n'ai pas eu le temps cette semaine de faire mes lessives puisque j'avais mon magnifique essay d'histoire à faire! J'ai donc décidé de faire mes lessives aujourd'hui! Donc je prends mon linge et vais à l'autre bout du batiment... Pratique, oui je sais! Pendant le trajet, je regarde derrière moi si je n'ai pas laissé tomber une de mes petites culottes... Non c'est bon!
Aller c'est parti pour les machines, je reviens dans 40min en espérant que quelqu'un ne m'ait pas piqué mes affaires...
40min plus tard, le moment fatidique! J'ai mes affaires sauf que je n'ai plus qu' £1... oups... petit coup d’œil au dryer, parfait c'est pile le montant!
Je mets en priorité mes draps car je voudrais bien dormir dans un lit sec et propre ce soir, et je reviens1h après.
Je sors mon linge.... IL EST HUMIDE, et même MOUILLE à certains endroits...
Je prends mon porte feuille en panique en espérant qu'1 petit £ soit apparu pendant l'heure écoulée... sauf que... ben NON... et évidemment personne dans la laundry, alors je vais toquer chez mes potes pour essayer de gratter £1..... PERSONNE.

Donc Louise, prends tes affaires, rentre chez toi, et fais un remake de "j'habite dans une caravane, et je joue de la guitare...LoléLoleY... LoléLoleY..." [je tiens à préciser que je n'ai évidemment rien contre les Gitans]

Mes sous-vêtements ne sont plus un secret pour personne! [non les plus jolis sont rangés! donc encore un peu de mystère...]

Ayez un peu de compassion pour la Louise, étudiante chez les Anglais qui utilisent les sèche-linges qui ne sèchent pas!

See you later,


mercredi 2 novembre 2011

Mr Autumn

Mr Autumn knocks on the door. 
Miss Clock puts the hands back an hour.
Mr Autumn loses its leaves. 
Miss Clock calls the night earlier. 
A rainbow of color comes into the landscape.
The hands of the clock slow down but 
The flames grow up and dance in the chimney
To let the cold outside and waiting for Mr Winter.

Keep your hats, your scarves, and your gloves!

And your umbrella for those who are in England!

See you soon,


jeudi 27 octobre 2011

Oh! Amazing!

At the turn in the street... I found a house.
Its colors and its architecture are completely different from other houses,
What can we find behind the small red door?
No, it's not the dwarf's house in Snow White
Even if we can read on the front, the word "Children".

The architect seemed to be inspired by another famous monument....

Did you guess?

Yes of course, the Tower of Pisa.

and what is the question?

"How this house can be standing?"


I don't know...
Just think about it, and send me your hypothesis.

See you soon,

vendredi 21 octobre 2011

Sutton Hoo

It was a trip organized by Dr H.Gittos, in occasion to our medieval class "Anglo-Saxon England". In this module, we have met Bede and Augustin, the conversion, the invasions, also the Vickings... and burials... mouhahahaa

"Overlooking the River Deben, the burial mounds of Sutton Hoo held a secret -a hidden story no-one knew of until a few months before the outbreak of the Second World War. In 1939 an archaelogical excavation revealed the most amazing collectionof treasures, within an impressive Anglo-Saxon burial ship that had lain undisturbed for over 1300 years. The discovery was made by local archaeologist Basil Brown under the watchful eye of landowner Mrs Edith Pretty."

Enjoy the video! (it's my pictures, of course)

See you soon,


dimanche 16 octobre 2011

Question Fondamentale

"Why can I speak quickly in English and without being ashamed, 
when I am in a pub?"

(and I'm not drunk! just a pint...)

samedi 15 octobre 2011

Irma - I know

"I’d like to tell you just a word
I am so sorry to disturb
You make me thinking I’m a fool"

Après une journée assez studieuse... (et oui, il m'arrive de travailler, entre mes épopées londoniennes et mes cours de zumba), petit moment de détente avant d'aller boire un verre à Origins et de se remettre au boulot.

[ Elle s'appelle Irma (tiens, tiens comme mon arrière arrière grand mère...) nous vient du Cameroun accompagnée de sa voix soul et de sa guitare. Son premier album "Letter to the Lord" est sorti il y a quelques jours à peine. Je tiens à remercier Itunes pour me l'avoir fait découvrir. Hihi ]

Je disais donc qu'après une journée à lire L'Etranger de Camus (The Outsider and not The Stranger, chercher l'erreur) et à travailler sur l'Histoire Médiévale de l'Angleterre (The Anglo Saxon England) avec mon très cher ami Bede, qui écrit à son confrère Egbert, qu'il y a des lois à respecter dans la religion et qu'en gros être un Bishop c'est un travail à plein temps (aller prêcher la bonne parole et créer des monastères, mais surtout ne pas être corrompu par la vrai vie: manger, boire, rire et séduire....) et blablabla.

Ben laissez moi vous dire, qu'étudier cette lettre est aussi un travail à plein temps, surtout lorqu'on comprend rien... et qu'on est corrompu par Skype et une maman qui dit "je viens de voir une vidéo de Zumba! G.E.N.I.A.L" oui, oui ben oui, mais Bede si tu lui parles de Zumba et ben, il dit que c'est de la corruption de ton esprit spirituel! ("Eh mum' regarde bien les cours pour Décembre hein?! je passe pas un mois sans Zumba!")

Quant à L'Etranger, c'est pas compliquer le texte c'est des phrases très courtes. "Maman est morte ce matin" (oula ça commence bien..) Le narrateur ne sait jamais rien. Il ne ressent jamais rien. Il fait chaud. Le soleil m'éblouissait et me tapait sur la tête. Il n'a jamais d'avis sur rien. Est ce que tu es amoureux? Je sais pas, surement que non parceque ça veut rient dire.
Non mais gars! réveilles toi s'il te plait! 
Lorsque tu lis se livre, il peut pleuvoir, neiger, venter, tu es réchauffé par la narration qui met toujours en lumière le soleil! 


Oui c'est normal, c'est ce qu'il s'appelle se mettre à la place du personnage principal: s'identifier. (Tiens le titre c'est L'Etranger: ne suis-je pas étrangère à ce pays qu'est l'Angleterre? Si. Mais je ne suis pas étrangère à moi même, contrairement au personnage.) Enfin, Camus est un auteur de l'absurde et il me l'a bien fait ressentir! (Ceci dit je fais peut-être l'andouille, mais j'aime beaucoup cette histoire malgré le style un peu lourd)

D'où l'envie de m'évader en écoutant Irma et sa guitare, qui redonne un peu de douceur dans ce monde de brute. Donc laissez vous emporter pendant 3minutes.

See you soon,


mercredi 12 octobre 2011

London [Exchange Student's Adventure]

Catherine, Unknown, Camille, Lorenz, Giorgos, Yvonne's friend, Yvonne.

Hello Big Ben
                 Nihao Big Ben
                             Bonjouuuur Big Ben (accent Suisse)
                                             Bonjourrr Big Ben (accent Belge)
                                                             Bonjour Big Ben (accent de Poitier)
                                                                            Bonjour Big Ben (accent de Montpellier)
* Morning:

Departure from Canterbury: 6.45am
Arrival to London: 9.20am

A long walk from Victoria Station to the Tate Modern.

Camille had never been to London before, so we decided to show her some famous monuments such as the House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and Tower Bridge! She was very impressed, she was starry-eyed, and she had a big smile! ^^
We've met Catherine, one of Giorgos' friend from Switzerland who is doing her Erasmus year in Leicester (and I hope that I can go to Leicester now! HA! Thanks my dear fellow).

Giorgos kept on: "We are in London, guys!!!!!!"
Camille answered: "Ouiiiiiiiiiii!!!! ouahahaaaa! Trooop Bien, Trop Beau, Trop Bon!" (oui, c'est la règle des 3"B")
And the rest of the group: "Shut up Giorgoooooos! hahaha!"

Photo dédiée à Camille qui nous a tanné pour
avoir une photo avec la cabine téléphonique
TOURIIIISTE (euh.... pardooon =D )

Ensuite on a voulu faire une expérience...

À combien de personne peut-on rentré dans une cabine téléphonique?

        Réponse A: 2
        Réponse B: 4
        Réponse C: 6
        Réponse D: 4 et demi plus 1 dehors (enfin 2...)

Ouiii....Réponse D: 4+1+1 (Catherine qui prend la photo!)

(Beaucoup de fou rires)

Nous sommes ensuite arrivé à la Tate moderne (particularité: musée installé dans une usine désaffectée.) It's a museum of modern and contemporary art, contrary to the Tate Britain. At that time, the temporary exhibition is Gerhard Richter (a german painter, famous since 1980's) until the 8th January 2012. I didn't see it, because we didn't have the time, however I'll go back before January!
So, we discovered or rediscovered the permanent exhibitions (some paintings of Rothko, Manet...) named "Material Gestures"; "Poetry and Dream" or "States of Flux"... 



Ce sont des graines de tournes sol!
Oui comme celles qu'on trouve dans
les sachets et qu'on mange.

Sauf que...

Chaque graine est réalisée à la main:
elles sont en porcelaines! Amazing!

* Lunch Tiiiiiime!

It's a salmon sashimi and I watched
the other sushi on the "mat" yummy

My favourite time of the day! We were in London and we ate...... SUSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS .
J'adooooore les Sushiiis.

[I don't think that it was the best sushi boat of London, but we had a wonderful moment and when we wanted something which was not on the "mat", we pulled the red button and someone ran! "hmmmm I would like this and this and that one and....that's it!"] 
But when we walked to Camden town, I felt as a California Roll.... I mean, you pushed me, I rolled! 

* Afternoon: Camden Town

 Just for all Doc Martens' Lovers. The impressive creation on the front of each building reflects the atmosphere of Camden Town. You can see punks, but if you take a picture of them, you have to pay so, "Be careful". 
It's a big market where you can find everything you want, you can try to haggle, and eat chinese food! "Taste it!" This is the visible part of Camden when you stop at Camden Town Station. If you go into the market (a big maze), you discover the ancient stables:

 I think that Camden Town is one of my favourite place in London!

            Doc Martens

* Conclusion:

All day long, it's been run, run, run
and such a lovely day!

See you soon, 


mercredi 5 octobre 2011

His First Time in London



* Arrival in London: Friday!

I went and picked up Rémy from Gatwick Airport, Friday afternoon,around five.
He discovered the red brick houses of Hampstead, and he was completely lost when he looked on the left before crossing a street. A lot of time, I said "STOOOOP"...... there was a wonderful red bus of London!  If I hadn't say anything, there would have been alot of red stuff everywhere..... Yummy!

Friday evening, I took him to an Indian restaurant Meghna (one of the best) in Hampstead

He tried a medium chicken curry
"Be careful, medium is very spicy... You are not in France..." I said.
"Don't worry I'm okay, It's only medium, not hot...." He answered.

I ordered a chicken with almond and creamy sauce (MILD... because I know Indian people "No spicy, no spicy, no no don't worry"..... Result? Stomachache and fire in the mouth.)

With rice and cheese Papadum. It was very nice!!!!

Rémy???? hahaha He was like the bus.... Red with beads of sweat.

* Saturday:

House of Parliament & Big Ben ---> Westminster Abbey ---> 
Buckingham Palace ---> St Paul Cathedral ---> Tower Bridge.

Rémy met Mr Big Ben, and he was impressed by the majestuosity of Big Ben, and its achitecture (1858).

And as you can see on my pictures, it was sunny.
The sky was blue and Big Ben rang!

Rémy didn't like Buckingam Palace "Aaaaah mais c'est un bloc!" but we saw a squirrel eating from woman's hand! C'est miiiignon!

After that, we made for Tower Bridge!

We walked to the Thames, an amazing view onto the City and Houses of Parliament, but we didn't get on the Eye... Next time!!!!


We ate ....... FISH & CHIPS!
[Rémy ordered a large Fish & Chips -2 fish- oh are you surprised??! Not me! =)]
We needed strength!

Then, we took a break and had a cup of tea. We wanted a quiet place with a terrace, but along the Thames, it's quite difficult with all of these tourists....

(The First idea was: To find a place where I can pee-pee...HA)

So, we went to OXO, a tower restaurant Chic! but we didn't do it on purpose! We saw all people in suit, sat with champagne (it was 4.30pm) or women with mojito a little bit drank (funnyyy.) We didn't look the part at all. You kow what I mean? We had the privilege to drink our tea on the terrace with a panoramic view of London! Wonderful!!!

Tower Bridge!!!!
A touristic picture

 But with a lot of memoriiies


 I showed Rémy Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden.

We found a traditional pub in Endell street.

 Flowers, Trinkets, Trumpets, Tea Pots and  Saucepans

We drank a pint and laughed with an old man because Rémy went upstairs to pee...  it was the Ladies' bathroom...However, I must admit there was no indication on the door.

 * Sunday:

"It's time to go..."
-----> Gatwick Airport <-----

(Gatwick Express stopped in the middle of nowhere.... Come on! He has a flight to catch! right now.....)
Fortunately, they arrived on time! "See you soon... snif"
He went through security, she went back to the platform.
"Send me a text when you are on the plane".
30 seconds later... Dring Dring Dring
"Honey, I missed the plane"
"What?! Don't panic I'm coming back!"
She is on one side of security, he is on the other side.
"Come on! pick up, pick up!" "Vous êtes bien sur la messagerie de... Rosi Rémy... Veuill....." 
"Shut up!"
The battery was flat.
[Scénario Catastrophe... ACTION! ]

 'Excuse me, sir, I have a problem... my boyfriend missed his plane to Montpellier, he is on the other side of security and he doesn't speak English, can I go through please?' she said, with one of her best smiles.
'No Miss, I'm sorry but you can't! where is he?' said the security guard who looked like a cowboy.
'I'm sorry but he has to find the infomation desk and he can't come back'
'I told you that he doesn't speak English...'
' I'm looking for my colleague, she is going to explain to you what you can do.'

She began to feel anxious, started trembling... Rémy, looked at her desperately...

- Hi Miss, What can I do for you?

She explained again her problem and she heard the same thing... "what's the matter with me?!"

She began to cry and she didn't understand anything of what the lady said.

- Stooooop I don't... understand.... you, I ...pp..panic, and I want... be with my boyfriend!
- okay, I'm looking for a French colleague, don't panic, everything will be alright." she said with a soft voice.
 Here we are! I had to cry, to get heard!

 Rendez vous to the Easy Jet information desk. Reservation for the next flight to Montpellier. Tomorrow? (Monday) 12.40pm.

One more day. Return to Hampstead
We had dinner with Daniel. (Thanks a lot angel, love!)

6.00 am Monday morning
Hampstead ---> Victoria Station ---> Coach at 7.30am (for me) ---> Gatwick (for him, he was at in Gatwick.... hahaha)

When he arrived in Montpellier, Rémy bought a method to learn English. He is decided to learn and speak English! Every night, he works for 1 hour.

A week end with a lot of discoveries and decisions. <3

See you soon,
