mercredi 14 septembre 2011

The Erasmus Team

Melting pot d'Erasmistes: (pas au complet)

German, Swiss, Norvegian, Belgian, and French.

We are dining in Giorgo's bedroom because diner is served at 6.30pm and that's too early for us. We are going to the shop center, to buy soups and cheese... and we meet in one of the rooms.

It's very funny , parceque on est tous les uns sur les autres et on speak english (heureusement qu'il ne fait pas chaud!) 

Vous connaissez les sardines? sisi et bien là, je vous présente les différentes sardines du monde entier, épuisées par leur journée et stressées pour leur présentation orale (faut garder le rythme ha!), réunies dans la même boite =D

See you tomorrow,  pour de nouvelles aventures!


1 commentaire:

  1. Yes! so many students crammed in so small a room would be sheer madness down here. 30° outside that's 40 inside and what a sight with some of them slumped on their chairs, dozing and sweating their last.
    Yes, 6:30 is quite early for a dinner but you'll soon adapt. It'll give you time to read and write, work away at your texts ... and go to the pub.
